This webpage is part of a series, created by Joe Schmutz on 3 May 2023 and last updated on 30 March 2024.

Popular Writing

Joe believes in taking his research findings to the community and therefore he has also published about science in the popular press.

Joe was Editor of the journal, Raptor Research, from 1989-1992. This lead him to write some editorial pieces on biology and conservation.

Wildlife Biology

Schmutz, J.K. 1990. Poisoning of ground squirrels does not kill hawks. Grainews, August, page 31.

Schmutz, J.K. 1992. Let's protect our burrowing owls. Grainews, February, pages 46-47.

Schmutz, J.K. 1993. Build a nest for ferruginous hawks. Grainews June 1993, p. 28.

Schmutz, J.K. 1993. Swainson's hawks chose their mates using unknown rules. Saskatoon Sun, 1 August 1993.

Schmutz, J.K. 1995. We need to learn more about burrowing owls. Grainews May 4, p. 31-32.

Schmutz, J.K., K. Clayton, J. Portman and C. Ross. Why spend money on burrowing owls. The Western Producer 2 May 1996.

Schmutz, Josef K. 1998. Protection of environment takes more than law. Saskatoon Sun September 20:A10.

Schmutz, J.K. 2004. Were Pre-contact Dogs Descended From Coyotes? Prince Albert Grand Chief's Tribune, Vo. 4, No. 5, p. 13.

Schmutz, J.K. 2008. Ferruginous Hawks in Canada - a three-decade prognosis. Nature Alberta, in press

Arbuthnott, K., and Josef K. Schmutz. 2013. PFRA Community Pastures: History and Drama of a Prairie Commons. Saskatchewan Notes, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives: 1-8.

Arbuthnott, Katherine, and Josef K. Schmutz. 2013. "Community pasture benefits misunderstood." The Western Producer 91(23):11.

Editorial Commentary

Schmutz, J.K. 1996. Disciplinary thinking in conservation biology. Conservation Biology 10:698. (Editorial)

Schmutz, J.K., and Alan Appleby. 2004. Are Saskatchewan's Great Sand Hills for sale? Briarpatch Magazine 33(5):11-13.

Schmutz, J. K. The beef with veg. 2006. Briarpatch Magazine

Schmutz, J.K. 2007. Dinner plate ethics. Briarpatch Magazine, August, p. 32. Reprinted in OutdoorEdge Magazine, 2008.

Dog Articles in Magazines

Joe has written articles about hunting dogs and training for many years. Some articles appeared in German magazines but most have been published in North America.

"The versatile hunting dog in wildlife research" (1979) by J. K. Schmutz Hunting Dog 14(7):44-45.

"Roots of the German Versatile Hunting Dog in History" (1992) by Josef K. Schmutz, Gun Dog, Oct./Nov. 1992.

"German Versatile Hunting Dogs" (1992) by Josef K. Schmutz, DOGworld, July 1992.

"The Large Munsterlander Revisited" by Josef K. Schmutz,Gun Dog, April/May, 1998

"The Large Munsterlander in North America" by Joe Schmutz and Randy Haines,Gun Dog, October/November 2003, p. 52-57

"Hunting dog ingredients" by Josef K. Schmutz, Pointing Dog Journal March/April, 2007 p. 28-30.

"Wachteljagd in Arizona" by Josef Schmutz (in German) Wild und Hund, June 6, 2007, p. 18-22

"Mearns quail in old mountains." by Josef Schmutz Pointing Dog Journal, Nov/Dec issue, 2008.

"Hunde zeitgemäß züchten: Ein Versuch beim Großen Münsterländer in Nordamerika."  by Josef Schmutz Gesellschaft zur Förderung Kynologischer Forschung e.V., Info.28: 35-37, 2008.

"Kennel Comfort"  by Joe Schmutz Pointing Dog Journal, Vol 20(5):55). 2012.

"Never Loose a Duck"  by Joe Schmutz Western Canadian Game Warden, Vol 15(2):43-45). Fall 2023.

"Recovering shot big game with dogs – a dynamite combination or no-no?"  by Joe Schmutz Western Canadian Game Warden, Vol 13(3): ____. Winter 2023.

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For further information, e-mail Joe Schmutz.